
Friday, February 3, 2012


Redewendungen = idiomatic expressions, idioms, phrases

Ever since that glorious day I learned a few idiomatic expressions during my summer language course, I have been a little obsessed with learning new ones every day (jeden Tag). In English, we use these common phrases in our everyday language; however, I believe it's more difficult in another language. You basically need to memorize what the entire phrase means. Otherwise, it might be some jibberish about broccoli in someone's pants or something (that isn't a real expression, or I hope not). But I thought I'd make my next blog entry about a few expressions I've learned and started to use. They are quite funny.

am Arsch der Welt = middle of nowhere, buttfuck nowhere (literally - the ass of the world)
ex. Othello, Washington ist am Arsch der Welt.

nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben  = to not have all one's marbles; to be a little crazy (lit. to not have all the cups in the cupboard)

eine Naschkatze sein = to have a sweet tooth (lit. to be a snacking cat)
ex. Ich bin eine Naschkatze, weil ich jeden Tag Schokolade und HARIBO esse. (I have a sweet tooth because every day I eat chocolate and HARIBO.)

Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen = to compare apples and oranges (lit. to compare apples with pears)

aus allen Wolken fallen = to be taken by complete surprise; to be flabbergasted (lit. to fall out of the clouds)

am Zug sein = to be somebody's turn/move (lit. to be on the train)

aus der Reihe tanzen = to march to a different drummer (lit. to dance/step out of line); to be an individual (basically, the folks who live in Seattle)
ex. Die Leute, die in Portland wohnen, tanzen aus der Reihe. (The people who live in Portland march to a different drummer.)

den Mantel nach dem Wind(e) hängen = to float with the tide; "to go with the flow" (lit. to hang your coat to the winds)
lange Finger (haben) = to have (sticky hands); to steal (lit. to have long fingers)

aus der Haut fahren = to jump out of one's skin; to blow one's top (lit. to drive out of the skin)

 (Foto von: ballyscanlon/Photographer's Choice RF/gettyimages)

jemandem (genau) auf die Finger sehen/gucken/schauen  = to keep a sharp eye on somebody (to look/see someone on your fingers ... it doesn't really translate well into Englisch ...)

auf dem Zahnfleisch gehen = to be on one's last legs (lit. to go off the gums (teeth gums, teeth flesh)
ex. Ich ging auf dem Zahnfleisch nach dem Marathon. (I was on my last legs (exhausted) after the marathon.)

It doesn't matter to me, whatever, regardless, meh. = 
Mir (ist) egal.
Das ist (mir) Jacke wie Hose (lit. jackets like pants, jackets to pants)
Das ist gehüpft wie gespungen = Gehüpft wie gesprungen. (lit. that is like hopping to jumping)

wie eine gesengte Sau fahren = to drive like a maniac, crazy person (lit. to drive like a singed (scorched) pig/sow)

Hope you enjoyed these phrases! They are my favorites!

1 comment:

  1. Is like we say in Russia: Never kick bear on Thursday! (also hopefully not a real expression)
