So I'm a member on this forum regarding Fulbright on A few people started discussing receiving notifications of awards (or rejections!) a few days ago. At first, I thought they (as in the International Institute of Education - IIE) were going to send notifications to permanent addresses. So I went home for a few days thinking I would see something in the mail. Then, I hear from people on the forum that they send the notifications out to current address. PULLMAN. Oh man.
All day yesterday (Tuesday) I was nervous to find a package in the mail. So from last year's recipients of the Fulbright, those who received the award received a large manila envelope, alternates received a medium sized manila envelope, while those were simply rejected got at small white envelope. So I would know their decision by simply opening the mailbox. After an okay 4.5-hour drive from Seattle to Pullman (Goldfish and homemade banana bread helped me along the way), I was EAGER to check my mail. BUT of course, all I find is SAFEWAY coupons. I mean, that was good. At least I found out that organic apples were on sale, yummy bread was discounted ... okay enough about food.
So here are the possible scenarios:



So I checked the forum again and most of the people that heard were Finland applicants. Of all countries, FINLAND. But then again, those FINS? FINNISH people? Are quite on top of things. Probably why they have a high standard of living. YES. Anywho, a few German applicants found out.
Background: Fulbright applicants select a specific country to apply for. There are two types of grants: full and ETA. Full research grants are for candidates wanting to pursue independent research at another institution abroad. He or she must obtain an affiliation (meaning a letter from professor at an uni) showing that department or institution will host the potential Fulbright scholar. The ETA: English Teaching Assistantship is for helping out with English classes in German high schools, I think.
Okay, so I applied for the Full Grant so I could essentially continue my research currently at WSU at the University of Bonn. So to TODAY. I had a pretty good morning. Slept in until 7.30. Got in my daily workout in the morning. Got back from the rec center around 10 (yes, my workouts are ~two hours ...). Showered. I was thinking of heading to the office to get a head start on some homework and other research, but decided on staying home. Oh, and went to Wally-World for some groceries and SAFEWAY b/c of their sales from the aforementioned item I received in the mail, which I did not want to receive, but got anyways.
Well, 3.30 pm rolls around and I think that the mail should have arrived by now. And luckily it did. So I knew once I opened my mailbox, I would know whether I got the Fulbright. I don't know. I had a feeling. I opened it and of course, there was a large manila envelope. It was very thin. I was like WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING AT. They still being IIE. Well, I got IT! And it was nothing more than a letter saying "blah blah cultural ambassador blah blah good job" and the rest was basically saying "FILL OUT THESE PAPERWORK FOR A PHYSICAL TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY DISEASES TO SPREAD IN EUROPE." I was thinking: didn't Christopher Columbus and the Europeans bring all these nasty disease to America? Anyways, I should expect more information soon.
But now I have soooooo many things to plan/think about/do:
1. Deal with my apartment lease and find a sub-lease person. I want to keep my apt. So I have to do this.
2. What about my stuff? Storage? Bring it back home?
3. When do I actually leave? September? October? I think I'll find out sooner, rather than later.
4. I scheduled my physical exam at Health and Wellness. They'll probably tell me I'm pregnant ... "but I'm a guy" ... "oh, then you have the CLAP"
5. How much do I actually get as a stipend/month? I've been trying to read about this online and I haven't found a definite amount. But the amount I've seen on rare pages, I think, will be enough. I can supplement with money I haven't used from this year. I'm fairly frugal ...
6. How does this play out with other fellowships? I haven't thought about this ... but now that I got the DAAD and Fulbright ... it almost seems likely to get the other fellowships I applied for (BACKGROUND: I applied for NSF, EPA, and NDSEG fellowships and DAAD is like Fulbright, but for Germany. Essentially, the same, but since I got both, I will take Fulbright, since it is more prestigious and competitive.)
7. Housing in Bonn?
8. What exactly am I researching in Bonn? I feel like my affiliation is not what I wanted ... now that I've had a year doing my research ... I don't know if this is the best place ... I'll need to ask my advisor.
9. I need to inform certain people about this ... hmm ..
Wow, I'm fairly certain I have a lot more to think about. Anyways, I should answer WHY I am doing this blog. I think it'll be for noting by adventures when I head off to Germany, but also my adventures during these 4-5 years getting a PhD. I'm sure I'll have enough to post on here ... hopefully it'll be better than my other NONEXISTENT blogs (you've noticed I like ALL CAPS). I also might talk about some other things I find exciting: FOOD, YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Speaking of Youtube, there is a hilarious guy out there, check out his page and videos, you won't be disappointed like the REJECTION small white env letter ... sad ...
What a day!